Fine Quality in Gutenberg Readings
Project Gutenberg ( continues its amazing drive to publish a vast body of free e-books, many of them vintage texts. Currently, it offers some 17,000 titles for downloading; visitors are deriving some 2 million downloads from the project monthly.
Only recently did I realize the expanding scope of Project Gutenberg’s audio e-books. You can download numerous readings, both computer-generated and human-read. The latter are far superior, although fewer in number. I've begun by obtaining several unabridged Sherlock Holmes works, which Gutenberg reportedly passes along from From the notes at, I gather these are read by John Telfer, produced by Alec Reid Recordings. They’re fine reading performances and I eagerly recommend them.
Note: You'll want to use a high-speed connection to obtain these, unless you're willing to wait half an hour or so for the MP3 files to come through vial a dial-up connection. In the Holmes set, an entire volume might consist of a dozen or more separate files; a short story typically is broken into two files. Regardless, they represent a tremendous contribution to the cause of promoting quality literature.
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